Murder Mystery Musical

Book by Alister Cameron & Shaun McKenna

Lyrics by Shaun McKenna & Alister Cameron

Music by Richard Brown

Directed by Ben Keaton

Designed by Barry Purves

Produced by Andy Jordan Productions and Richmond Productions

Edinburgh Festival 2009

A mysterious and glamorous island abruptly cut off from the outside world.  An internationally renowned TV talent show mogul strangely deceased.  A collection of exotic, competitive (and frankly repellent) ‘meeja’ types summoned to the private reading of a lavish will.  A devastatingly handsome but oddly mute pool boy.  Secrets tumbling out of closets.  Revenge, eaten cold. 

And murder.  Lots and lots of murder.  Deaths so perverse and bizarre that even the illegitimate grandson of a world-renowned Belgian detective (with a world-renowned Belgian moustache) cannot get to the bottom of them. 

Mayhem and madness, glamour and gloating, shocks and skullduggery.  Oh, and lots of songs and plenty of laughs.



Miguel Angel, Rebecca Bainbridge, Alexa Brown, Charlie Cameron, Gina Murray, Sevan Stephan, Ben Stock, Neil Stewart, Harry Waller with Lee Ormsby the musical director.  

Murder Mystery Musical
Gina Murray and Neil Stewart